Automatic export (pdf) of embedded Link information(s) in text variables

I suggest to implement the following feature:

If a variable (html string from external system) already has link information(s) the pdf export (html object in the designer template) should create corresponding link(s) automatically.

A typical use case might be:

Assuming the variable has the following content:

“Text combit Homepage Text”

I would like to click on the link in a pdf export.
This should also work with more than one link (if provided in the string).

This requirement cannot be implemented at the moment

Best Regards

Unfortunately, this point is also becoming increasingly important.
Any news on this?

Best Regards

Thank you for the reminder. But the current issue is that the HTML object is only an EMF rendering and thereby already the link information is “lost” and not longer present. As a result, they are also missing in the PDF export. Therefore, no simple and quick solution will be found for the requirement at first. But we have added the requirement on the list for possible future improvements.