Append PDF-Export to existing PDF-File

I suggest to implement the following feature:

Create an new ExportOption Attribut to append the PDF-Export of the running report to an existing PDF-File
for example: exp.ExportOption.Add(“PDF.AppendFile”,“c:\temp\existing.pdf”)

A typical use case might be:

i often export some reports (2-10) to PDF (to send them via email). To handle the number of files i combine them into one collection-file, by using librarys like PDFSharp or iTextSharp. It would be nice list and label helps to optimize this topic.

Thanks for the suggestion. Maybe this feature can already help?

Thanks Mr. Bartlau,
that looks like a good solution for 50% of my use-cases. I have to combine my data into one .NET dataset and print the reports using this way. I will test it.

In 30% other cases i use uservars to switch between different printmodes of the same report (Lieferschein, Packliste, MaterialListe). I have no idea how to handle this by using the list and label feature .

In 20% other cases i have to include existing PDF-Files (technical discriptions …). Well - my “append to file” will not solve this topic too, because this attachments often need to placed at the end of the PDF. Perhaps a list and label report with a PDF-Field could be the solution :slight_smile: