Additional Settings for the TTY Export

Valid from List & Label 10
The List & Label TTY-export supports the most current emulations. In addition, further settings can be made. In order to do so, please copy a file cmls1?.tty in the directory of the cmls1?.dll. Attached you will find a sample file which includes the possible settings for several emulations. In this file, additional configuration is possible.

To preset the draft mode, you can use the following entry for Cmd.Init:

[ESC/P], [ESC/P 9Pin], [NEC Pinwriter]:
Cmd.Init=#1B x #0

[IBM Proprinter 24XL]:

Cmd.Init=#1B #23 #0 

Additional information on all possible sequences is provided by the producer of your printer, resp. the printer manual or the internet.

IDKBTE000641 KBTE000641