Add Content after Table



I have just started working with List & Label and would like to know how I can output content after my table. I have created a table that can be half a page, depending on how the table is currently filled by the user, but it can also go over several pages. However, I also have content in my report that I have drawn with lines and text objects. I would like this content to be displayed directly after the table. So if my table is only half a page long, the content should not be displayed on the next page. Currently, the content of my table seems to overlay the rest of the content.

Here are some images:


This can be achieved by interlinking the objects.

By interlinking objects, you can influence the order of printing, causing some objects to be printed after others, thereby overlaying them in the event that they overlap (“sequential (temporal) linking”). Detailed information on this can be found in the Designer Manual.

I have attached a minimal example for our demo, which uses a dummy rectangle to position the following objects.The sample can be opened with the help of our demo application “DemoApplication29.exe” via “Reports”.

InterlinkedObjects.lsr (63.0 KB)

I was able to influence the order by interlinking them. However, I encountered a new problem. The page break does not work as desired. If content no longer fits on a page, only half of it is displayed (see screenshot 1). If I set the “Wrap before” property for certain objects, objects are displayed twice (see screenshot 2).

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:

For example, a rectangle can be linked to the report container as a placeholder object. We select “At end, keep size” as the Interlink type. The other objects are then sequentially interlinked to the rectangle. It is important to ensure that the rectangle is approximately the length required by the subsequent objects. This is how the break is made when the rectangle no longer fits on the page.

Alternatively, it is also conceivable to use the RemainingTableSpace() function to remember the available space in the table object via the SetVar() function and then use the GetVar() function to take the value into account in the pagebreak condition of the first object after the container in the print sequence.

Otherwise, you could consider whether the objects can also be mapped to a table with free content. Then no linking would be necessary and the table would take care of the pagebreak.

InterlinkedObjects2.lsr (55.4 KB)